Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday Morning Muffins: Cinnamon Coffee Cake

Lately, I have been trying to bake some muffins at least once a week. I love trying new recipes, so I have decided to start posting them. I am going to aim for Monday mornings, since I usually bake Sundays and we indulge on Mondays, they are a great way to kick off a new week.

Last week, I got a craving for coffee cake, it is something my Mom would bake once in awhile when I was a kid. I searched Pintrest for a coffee cake muffin recipe and came up with THIS one. 

The only thing I did differently was halve the topping. I always end up with a lot of left over topping with recipes like this. As you can see below, even with halving it, I still had plenty of leftovers.

Little Miss got one muffin and a few grapes, and the muffin disappeared! I gave her another for snack later in the day, it disappeared as well! So this recipe is definitely a hit!

I loved them as well, I got a dozen out of the batch, and we only had 5 left by the end of the day. Poor Mr Picky didn't get to try them, he works away and they were long gone before he got back! I am sure he will enjoy them should I make the recipe again, as he loves cinnamon.

So this is our first Monday Morning Muffins...we will see you next week with more breakfast goodness!

Have a good week, everyone!


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